Mr. Jean Louis
Organization of Trade & Mining Business
Phone: +256706271008
SMS: +256706271008
Kyebando Central, Kampala, Uganda
Friday, February 24, 2023

Vacancy for Skilled Gold Prospector

As of 2023-02-24 Mercury Free Gold Recovery Limited has vacancy for Skilled Gold Prospector, a position where person learns basic gold prospecting methods such as gold panning and applies it in villages and bushes of Uganda, by reporting and using the Prospecting Report templates.

Duties as Skilled Gold Prospector

Basic duty is to learn gold prospecting methods as devised by company and apply them meticulously on the field. Gold prospector travels Uganda and verifies soil, rock for gold occurences.

Place of work may be anywhere in Uganda in villages and bushes.

Requirement is to learn reporting by using Prospecting Check template and gold prospecting methods.


Basic salary is 400,000 Ugs.

Food, transport, communication and accommodation expenses are paid by the company.

Salary will be raised when person completes the training.

Pictures from training from 26th February 2023 at Waka Beach, Nkumba, Entebbe

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