Mr. Jean Louis
Organization of Trade & Mining Business
Phone: +256706271008
SMS: +256706271008
Kyebando Central, Kampala, Uganda
Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Vacancy for Prospecting and Reporting Officer In Charge

Mercury Free Gold Recovery Limited company has vacancy for Prospecting and Reporting Officer In Charge.

People in mining business who are interested to exclusively use mercury free gold recovery methods and teach others the same are welcome to apply with us.

Duties as Prospecting and Reporting Officer In Charge

Responsibilities of Prospecting and Reporting Officer In Charge are:

Full training will be provided for person.

Probationary contract will be 3 months with option to continue long term.

Place of work may be anywhere in Uganda in villages and bushes.

Requirement is to complete the Preliminary Communication Preparation Project. Every literate person may apply.


In first three months, salary for Prospecting and Reporting Officer In Charge starts with 360,000 Ugs.

When it is found that Prospecting and Reporting Officer In Charge follows duties and obligations, salary will be raised immediately to 450,000 Ugs.

When person finishes training, there will be award as part of profit of the business. The award may be up to few millions Ugandan shillings per month.

Recommended readings and instruction how to start

Becoming Executive In Our Business:

Preliminary Communication Preparation Project:

Preliminary Communication Preparation Project (PDF):

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